

The Ojibwe Charter School recently chose their April Students of the Months.  Ojibwe Charter School uses the Seven Grandfather Teachings for their Student of the Month program along with TRIBE.  TRIBE is a positive system of following school wide rules.  TRIBE stands for; Treat others kindly, Ready to learn, I need to listen, Be safe, and Everyone tries their best.

The Grandfather teaching for September is Respect or Mnaadendimowin.  Respect is represented by the buffalo.  The buffalo gives every part of his being to sustain the human way living, not because he is of less value, but because he respects the balance and needs of others.To honour all creation is to have respect.

Kyra Annand:  Kindergarten/1st grade- Mr. Collins

Mr. Collins is happy to announce that Kyra Annand has been selected as the September Student of the Month for the Kindergarten and First Grade classroom. Kyra is a strong student that models excellent school behavior for all of her classmates. She works quietly and consistently and she is polite to everyone in our school community! We are proud of her accomplishments and honored to have her as a part of our school and a key component of our classroom. Congratulations Kyra!

Michael Bell:  2nd grade- Ms. Heikkinen

Our Student of the Month for 2nd grade is Michael Bell. Michael is always respectful, smart, kind, and helpful in the classroom.He is also model student. He is always there to lend a hand to anyone in and out of our classroom. We are proud of you Michael!

Maemi Willis: 3rd grade - Mrs. Bowen

Maemi Willis is the third grade student of the month for September.   Maemi is a very responsible, motivated, and confident student.  She comes to school every day with an excitement for learning and always goes above and beyond at school.  Maemi pays close attention to details and makes sure that her daily work is not only accurate, but also meticulously neat and of the utmost quality.  She excels in all the subject areas.  In addition to her academic excellence, Maemi is also a model student who sets a positive example for her peers.  Her work ethic and focus on doing well is an inspiration to her classmates.   Maemi is a wonderful young lady.  Way to go Maemi!  

Nathaniel Malloy: 4th grade - Mrs. Bowen

The fourth grade student of the month for September is Nathaniel Malloy.  Nathaniel is respectful, responsible, and reliable. Nathaniel truly leads by quiet example and is a great role model for the rest of the class. Taking his academics seriously is important to him, it doesn't matter what subject it is, his study skills are spectacular and he pays attention very well.  He always puts forth his best effort.  Not only is Nathaniel an excellent student, he is also an excellent friend.  Nathaniel has excellent manners and is always considerate of others.  We are lucky to have a student like Nathaniel in our class!  Keep up the great work Nathaniel.

Jayna Hunt: 5th/6th grade - Ms. Hunter

I chose Jayna for September's student of the month.  Jayna shows respect daily to her peers and the teachers.  Jayna is always willing to help out and is a pleasure to have in class.